Zip it Zippy

I have a hard time minding my own business here.  I say here, because I most definitely mind my own business in my country of birth, yet the manner by which I refer to minding my own business in the US, is NOT minding your business here.  


You see a GIANT man made ladder.  A ladder made by the 20 laborers on a particular construction site.  You are blown away by it.  You have to see it up close.  A pack of three laborers are close by.  You tell them how awesome it is.  They are out of Coke and take it the wrong way.  You wish your Spanish Brother George were here. 

You see an adorable pit bull puppy, and have to see it.  You begin explaining to this owner that you are a dog whisperer, even though you are not.  Not at all actually.  So you are lying to a stranger about their dog.  They don’t understand you and pull their dog away thinking you are going to steal it.  They tell their big brothers.  

You begin wondering why the most popular yoga studio isn’t so popular any longer.  You find out why.  You see the owner of that yoga studio.  You ask her how business is going.  She has an intuitive feeling that you already know the answer.  She is right.  You sense that you are in trouble.  You ask how bout them Cowboys?

You tell Tino that you are feeling sick.  He thinks that Mexicans make you sick.  You sense that you are talking on thin ice.  You try to explain that it’s just different here.  Different bugs.  Different air.  Different flora and fauna.  Different food.  Now he and his wife think you don’t like the food they have been making you every morning.

You see someone here that could be considered a friend.  You notice his dog isn’t in the backyard.  You ask where’s his dog is.  Right there!  Can’t do that here.  It gets you in trouble.  It’s goes beyond not minding your own business.  It encroaches on meddling in someones business.  Meddling is really, really bad.  Shame on me.