For Elise

I was resting inside my darkened room.  It was the dead middle of a hot day.  To my surprise, Elise appeared at my sliding glass door.  Her reason?  She said she just hadn’t seen me in a while.  She was in a skimpy bathing suit, and appeared intent on staying a bit.  I quickly tidied up overhauled the bathroom.

She saw my setup.  She apparently had no idea that I am a Piano Man.  I explained to her that I drink alone.  I offered her up an ice cold beer.  I played Going to California, Wild Horses, and a few others.  She had the Madonna thing going with her two front teeth.  She asked if I knew any Beatles.  

I cranked up my wheelhouse.  I played her Something that I just learned Yesterday.  We sang Carry that Weight and Glass Onion as a duo.  She stepped outside for a cigarette.  I desperately needed a cold shower.  She left a personal belonging behind.  One of the oldest tricks in the book.